Schindler's List

 Dark tide of evil swept over Europe

Eclipsing light and truth

Nazi jack-boots stamping down

Upon necks of innocence, oppressing

SS and Gestapo spreading terror

For Jews... Hitler's final solution.

German businessman Schindler

Successful, enjoying wealthy lifestyle

Wining, dining in best restaurants

Making love to beautiful women

Driving fast cars, friend of SS officers

Using black market making huge profits.

When he witnessed treatment of Jews

Made to wear yellow Star of David

Humiliated, beaten in the streets

Living in ghettos, caged like zoo animals

Transported in cattle trucks to death camps

Divine light flicked on in his heart.

Seeing evil tried to rescue Jews

Bought factory employing Jewish labour

Saving them from gas chamber

Making list of names, bribing SS

Risking torture and execution

Saving as many Jews as he could.

His Jews called themselves 'Schindler's Juden'

When war ended Israel honoured him

With title ‘Righteous Person.'

He planted a tree in Avenue of the Righteous

One man's stand against evil.

Oskar Schindler is buried in Israel.

Colin Ian Jeffery


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