A Family Blessing

 May the years unfold gently,

while richly filled

with happiness, prosperity, and peace.

May you ever strive forward, with love

and friendship at your side.

Never forsaking the noble ideals,

the goals our Lord gave in Grace,

to ease the suffering;

of mortal man. For the dream

is the tie to life.

Never loose sight of the Lord’s Love.

Always walk in his ways.

Returning to the path if erring footfall

by chance causes thee to stray.

For man’s ways hold many thorns

that pierce unguarded flesh.

No comfort is found there no security.

Only great pain... torment... distress...

before the grave. Man’s works

crumble perish with coming age.

We seek through life’s journey

slowly understanding - is distilled

through the words and grace of God.

For life’s toils end

in this world of shadows -

upon the breath of a warm wind

to carry us home above the plains.

Terence George Craddock


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