Countless Blessings


I stepped outside, I heard the birds

I could not wait until I heard their soft tunes

They were singing to me as I drank my first

Cup of coffee, for God sent them to me

For he knows how very much

His creations mean to me

As my thoughts turn away from the birds

To the maple tree in my front yard I thought

As I gazed upon its’ beauty

“You will finish opening your foliage tomorrow”

The next day they opened up so beautifully displayed

God’s way of saying “see my child you too can be renewed

Like this tree”

The grass green and lush cool upon my feet

The multi-colored rose moth in bloom again

I gaze at my dog who is soon to be a mother

How happy she must be

For soon the lil pups will be suckling

Making little whimpers

Making new little personalities

And yes building up little tempers

All the newness around me reminds me

Constantly of our Father’s daily renewing love

For these wonders are all countless blessings from above!

Becky LaPrarie


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