Someone You Can Trust

 God is Faithful and God is Just, God is someone you can trust.

When in a trial simply be still, as God works out His Perfect Will.

He is God and from the start, He’s working to prepare your heart.

When you are tried, you will see, God is molding you for Eternity.

The Lord our God is loving friend, and concerned about our end.

Fear not which way He takes, for God above makes no mistakes.

And It cannot be your concern, when God’s Will you can’t discern.

If your path takes a sudden turn, He may be helping you to learn.

God may take you to a place, that you need His Awesome Grace.

When you do not understand, with your heart just trust His Hand.

When His Hand seems to depart, you can always trust His Heart.

Christ will not forsake you friend, He’s here to see you to the end.

The Lord is taking us one by one, down a path to reflect His Son.

And God fills us along the way, with Christ’s likeness day by day.

So as we travel this path of life, we shall shine for His Son Christ.

You can trust in Christ Jesus, for He indeed shall never leave us.

I trust in the One who died for me, so that I could live for Eternity.

My trust friend is in my Creator, Who is now my Lord and Savior.

Who can know or love me more, than Jesus Christ our dear Lord?

To get to Heaven it’s a must, that in The Lord you place your trust.

How could you not trust the one, who chose to give His Only Son,

To a dying world as a sacrifice, so men could inherit Eternal Life?

Why would I choose not to trust, the One who chose to die for us,

So through His death I could be, with Christ my Savior Eternally?

Bob Gotti


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