"I've heard the contrition of Ephriam.

Yes, I've heard it clearly,saying,

You trained me well.

You broke me, a wild yearling horse, to the saddle.

Now put me, trained and obedient, to use.

You are my God.

After those years of running loose, I repented.

After you trained me to obedience,

I was ashamed of my past, my wild, unruly past.

Humiliated, I beat on my chest.

Will I ever live this down?"

"Oh! Ephraim is my dear, dear son,

my child in who I take pleasure!

Every time I mention his name,

my heart bursts with longing for him!

Everything in me cries out for him.

Softly and tenderly I wait for him."

God's Decree.

Eugene H. Peterson,


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