
 If I had a shiny gun,

I could have a world of fun

Speeding bullets through the brains

Of the folk who give me pains;

Or had I some poison gas,

I could make the moments pass

Bumping off a number of

People whom I do not love.

But I have no lethal weapon-

Thus does Fate our pleasure step on!

So they still are quick and well

Who should be, by rights, in hell.

Dorothy Parker

God's persistence isn't a dogged repetition of duty.

it has all the surprise and creativity, as well as

all the certainty and regularity of a new day.

Sunrise when the spontaneous and the certain

arrive at the same time.

Do we ever get used to daybreak?. Never.

Daybreak is always a surprise. 

There are times, of course, when we fail to respond to it.

But when that happens, we instinctively know that it's due

to a deficiency within ourselves, not in nature. If the 

repetitions in nature are never boring, how much less

the repetitions of God? 

And with the sunrise came a dawn of understanding in 

Jeremiah that shed light on the darkness surrounding him.

Eugene H. Peterson,


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