The Living God Who Wants to Save Us (Ezekiel 21)
If people could blame their parents for
the bad things that were happening to them,
they didn't have to take any responsibility themselves.
They would rather be punished for what their parents had done
and have not any responsibility in the present
to live in obedience to God.
But Ezekiel was relentless. He wasn't going to let them
getaway with dumping a whole load of responsibility
on their parents while avoiding God themselves.
The Gospel confronts us with the LIVING GOD
who wants to save us. He calls us to be forgiven,
breaking the cycle of sin that spirals downward
in both temporal and eternal punishment.
He wants us to be part of a new community that's
capable of enjoying the serendipity of his love,
the sudden invasions of His grace, and the
sumptuous fruit of His Spirit, such as love,
joy, and peace, along with a cornucopia of other fruit.
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