
Lost in a world unknown,

A place where I feel alone.

The roads winding endlessly,

My destination a mystery.

The trees surrounding me,

Whisper secrets in the breeze.

The sky above, vast and blue,

But I have no clue what to do.

I try to retrace my steps,

But everything just seems to mesh.

Memories blur and fade away,

As I wander in disarray.

The sun begins to set,

And still, I am filled with regret.

For losing my way in this strange land,

A feeling I can't seem to withstand.

My heart beats fast, my mind races,

As I struggle to find familiar places.

But the more I wander, the more I'm lost,

My hope dwindling and my faith exhaust.

But just when I thought all was lost,

I see a light, a glimmer of hope.

I follow it, my feet moving fast,

Praying that this will bring me at last.

And just like that, I break through the trees,

And there it is, my home, my peace.

I let out a sigh of relief,

As the weight of being lost, finally leaves.

For being lost may seem scary,

But sometimes it's necessary.

To find our way back to where we belong,

And appreciate what we've had all along.

So here I stand, grateful and brave,

For getting lost, and finally being saved.

For now I know, in this journey of life,

Getting lost is just a test of our might.

Dashaun Rashod Snipes


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